Demo for Developer Portal Integration

Test Accounts in Sandbox Mode

You can start familiarizing yourself with the Smile SDK by testing out the flow of our SDK. In Sandbox mode, we provide 4 sandbox testing accounts with different user details, allowing you to test the abilities of our SDK to the fullest.

Reset Password Through Wink SDK

Worried that you have forgotten your password? The Wink SDK now supports password resets. All you have to do is enter the required information and follow the steps through the password reset email sent to your registered email address. After resetting your password, you can then proceed to log in to the provider with your new password.

Note: The Reset Password function currently only supports My.SSS, My PhilHealth Portal and Virtual Pag-IBIG.

Payslip Archive in Sandbox Mode

In Sandbox Mode, Smile SDK allows you to test how the payslip archive works. Sample test payslips are attached to each sandbox account, where they are downloadable with just a click of a button.

Note: Only sample test payslips are supported for Payslip Archive in Sandbox Mode.

Download User Details in CSV or PDF Format

In the Developer Portal, you can download specific user details from the User Data page for easier reference. Smile provides two different downloadable formats, CSV and PDF, from which you can choose your preferred format to download.

Wink Widget Template in Sandbox Mode

You can also set up a Wink Widget Template in Sandbox Mode where you can customize your Wink Site to your liking.

Wink Site in Sandbox Mode

After setting up your Wink Widget Template, you can then test out your Wink Site by including your desired Wink Widget Template and pasting the URL of the Wink Site to your preferred browser. With the new Wink Site 2.0, you have more customization options to handle user flow after your users complete the Wink Widget process.

Webhook in Sandbox Mode

You can also easily receive webhook events and payloads in Sandbox Mode for each connection through our SDK.

Implementation of Smile Through API

Aside from Wink SDK, Smile's services can also be integrated through API calls. There are up to 60 API calls you can choose from according to your business preferences.

However do note that, to start the implementation, you will have to sign up for an account on the Developer Portal to acquire the API key and API secret.

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